  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



Type aliases


FlashLoanMastery: { accounts: [{ docs: ["`PoolAuthority` account"]; name: "poolAuthority"; type: { fields: [{ docs: ["The token mint"]; name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { docs: ["The `pool_share_mint`"]; name: "poolShareMint"; type: "publicKey" }, { docs: ["The PDA bump"]; name: "bump"; type: "u8" }]; kind: "struct" } }]; errors: [{ code: 6000; msg: "Address Mismatch"; name: "AddressMismatch" }, { code: 6001; msg: "Owner Mismatch"; name: "OwnerMismatch" }, { code: 6002; msg: "Pool Mismatch"; name: "PoolMismatch" }, { code: 6003; msg: "Program Mismatch"; name: "ProgramMismatch" }, { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid Mint Supply"; name: "InvalidMintSupply" }, { code: 6005; msg: "Invalid Mint Decimals"; name: "InvalidMintDecimals" }, { code: 6006; msg: "Cannot Borrow Before Repay"; name: "CannotBorrowBeforeRepay" }, { code: 6007; msg: "There is no repayment instruction"; name: "NoRepaymentInstructionFound" }, { code: 6008; msg: "The repayment amount is incorrect"; name: "IncorrectRepaymentAmount" }]; instructions: [{ accounts: [{ docs: ["The funder for the `pool_authority` account"]; isMut: true; isSigner: true; name: "funder" }, { docs: ["The mint representing the token that will be borrowed via flash loans"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "mint" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token that will represent shares in the new pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The current mint authority of `pool_share_mint`"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "poolShareMintAuthority" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }, { docs: ["The Solana System program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "systemProgram" }]; args: []; docs: ["Initialize a lending pool"]; name: "initPool" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity depositing funds into the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "depositor" }, { docs: ["The token to deposit into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens deposited into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The token account for receiving shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareTokenTo" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token representing shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Deposit funds into a lending pool"]; name: "deposit" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity withdrawing funds into the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "withdrawer" }, { docs: ["The token to withdraw from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens withdrawn from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The token account for redeeming shares of the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareTokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token representing shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Withdraw funds from a lending pool"]; name: "withdraw" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity borrowing funds from the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "borrower" }, { docs: ["The token to borrow from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens borrowed from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["Solana Instructions Sysvar"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "instructionsSysvar" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Borrow funds from a lending pool"]; name: "borrow" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity repaying funds from the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "repayer" }, { docs: ["The token to repay back to the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens repaid into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["Solana Instructions Sysvar"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "instructionsSysvar" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Repay funds to a lending pool"]; name: "repay" }]; name: "flash_loan_mastery"; version: "0.1.0" }

Type declaration

  • accounts: [{ docs: ["`PoolAuthority` account"]; name: "poolAuthority"; type: { fields: [{ docs: ["The token mint"]; name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { docs: ["The `pool_share_mint`"]; name: "poolShareMint"; type: "publicKey" }, { docs: ["The PDA bump"]; name: "bump"; type: "u8" }]; kind: "struct" } }]
  • errors: [{ code: 6000; msg: "Address Mismatch"; name: "AddressMismatch" }, { code: 6001; msg: "Owner Mismatch"; name: "OwnerMismatch" }, { code: 6002; msg: "Pool Mismatch"; name: "PoolMismatch" }, { code: 6003; msg: "Program Mismatch"; name: "ProgramMismatch" }, { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid Mint Supply"; name: "InvalidMintSupply" }, { code: 6005; msg: "Invalid Mint Decimals"; name: "InvalidMintDecimals" }, { code: 6006; msg: "Cannot Borrow Before Repay"; name: "CannotBorrowBeforeRepay" }, { code: 6007; msg: "There is no repayment instruction"; name: "NoRepaymentInstructionFound" }, { code: 6008; msg: "The repayment amount is incorrect"; name: "IncorrectRepaymentAmount" }]
  • instructions: [{ accounts: [{ docs: ["The funder for the `pool_authority` account"]; isMut: true; isSigner: true; name: "funder" }, { docs: ["The mint representing the token that will be borrowed via flash loans"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "mint" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token that will represent shares in the new pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The current mint authority of `pool_share_mint`"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "poolShareMintAuthority" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }, { docs: ["The Solana System program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "systemProgram" }]; args: []; docs: ["Initialize a lending pool"]; name: "initPool" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity depositing funds into the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "depositor" }, { docs: ["The token to deposit into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens deposited into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The token account for receiving shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareTokenTo" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token representing shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Deposit funds into a lending pool"]; name: "deposit" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity withdrawing funds into the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "withdrawer" }, { docs: ["The token to withdraw from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens withdrawn from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The token account for redeeming shares of the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareTokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token representing shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Withdraw funds from a lending pool"]; name: "withdraw" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity borrowing funds from the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "borrower" }, { docs: ["The token to borrow from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens borrowed from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["Solana Instructions Sysvar"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "instructionsSysvar" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Borrow funds from a lending pool"]; name: "borrow" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity repaying funds from the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "repayer" }, { docs: ["The token to repay back to the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens repaid into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["Solana Instructions Sysvar"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "instructionsSysvar" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Repay funds to a lending pool"]; name: "repay" }]
  • name: "flash_loan_mastery"
  • version: "0.1.0"


InstructionReturn: { instruction: TransactionInstruction; signers: Signer[] }

Describes the expected return type for a function that returns an instruction

Type declaration

  • instruction: TransactionInstruction
  • signers: Signer[]



FLASH_LOAN_MASTERY_PROGRAM_ID: PublicKey = new web3.PublicKey('1oanfPPN8r1i4UbugXHDxWMbWVJ5qLSN5qzNFZkz6Fg')


LOAN_FEE: 900 = 900




ONE_HUNDRED: 100 = 100




Const deposit

  • deposit(p: { amount: BN; connection: Connection; depositor: PublicKey; mint: PublicKey; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; tokenFrom: PublicKey }): Promise<{ bankToken: PublicKey; instructions: InstructionReturn[]; poolAuthority: PublicKey; poolShareTokenTo: PublicKey }>
  • Deposit tokens to a flash loan pool. For instance, if you have USDC you can deposit it into the USDC pool and make it available for people to borrow. You will then earn part of the flash loan interest.


    • p: { amount: BN; connection: Connection; depositor: PublicKey; mint: PublicKey; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; tokenFrom: PublicKey }
      • amount: BN
      • connection: Connection
      • depositor: PublicKey
      • mint: PublicKey
      • program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>
      • tokenFrom: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<{ bankToken: PublicKey; instructions: InstructionReturn[]; poolAuthority: PublicKey; poolShareTokenTo: PublicKey }>

Const flashLoan

  • flashLoan(p: { amount: BN; borrower: PublicKey; mint: PublicKey; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; referralTokenTo?: web3.PublicKey }): Promise<{ borrow: TransactionInstruction; repay: TransactionInstruction; repaymentAmount: BN }>
  • Initiate a flash loan transaction. This outputs two instructions representing the flash loan borrow and repay for you to use as you please.


    • p: { amount: BN; borrower: PublicKey; mint: PublicKey; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; referralTokenTo?: web3.PublicKey }
      • amount: BN
      • borrower: PublicKey
      • mint: PublicKey
      • program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>
      • Optional referralTokenTo?: web3.PublicKey

    Returns Promise<{ borrow: TransactionInstruction; repay: TransactionInstruction; repaymentAmount: BN }>

Const getAssociatedTokenAddressSync

  • getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(mint: PublicKey, owner: PublicKey): [PublicKey, number]
  • Synchronously get an associated token address for a mint and owner


    • mint: PublicKey
    • owner: PublicKey

    Returns [PublicKey, number]

Const getPoolAuthority

  • getPoolAuthority(programId?: PublicKey, mint: PublicKey): [PublicKey, number]
  • Finds and returns the pool address for a given mint


    • Default value programId: PublicKey = FLASH_LOAN_MASTERY_PROGRAM_ID
    • mint: PublicKey

    Returns [PublicKey, number]

Const getProgram

  • getProgram(programId?: PublicKey, provider?: AnchorProvider): Program<FlashLoanMastery>
  • Gets the Anchor program object


    • Default value programId: PublicKey = FLASH_LOAN_MASTERY_PROGRAM_ID
    • Optional provider: AnchorProvider

    Returns Program<FlashLoanMastery>

Const getTokenAccount

  • getTokenAccount(connection: Connection, owner: PublicKey, mint: PublicKey): Promise<null | { account: AccountInfo<ParsedAccountData>; pubkey: PublicKey }>
  • Gets a token account for a given mint and owner or returns null if it does not exist


    • connection: Connection
    • owner: PublicKey
    • mint: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<null | { account: AccountInfo<ParsedAccountData>; pubkey: PublicKey }>

Const initPool

  • initPool(p: { connection: Connection; funder: Signer; poolMint: PublicKey; poolMintAuthority: Signer; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; tokenMint: PublicKey }): Promise<{ bankToken: PublicKey; instructions: InstructionReturn[]; poolAuthority: PublicKey }>
  • Initializes a new flash loan pool for a given token mint. Use this when you want to enable flash loans for a particular Solana token e,g. USDC or even your own token.


    • p: { connection: Connection; funder: Signer; poolMint: PublicKey; poolMintAuthority: Signer; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; tokenMint: PublicKey }
      • connection: Connection
      • funder: Signer
      • poolMint: PublicKey
      • poolMintAuthority: Signer
      • program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>
      • tokenMint: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<{ bankToken: PublicKey; instructions: InstructionReturn[]; poolAuthority: PublicKey }>

Const withdraw

  • withdraw(p: { amount: BN; connection: Connection; mint: PublicKey; poolShareTokenFrom: PublicKey; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; withdrawer: PublicKey }): Promise<{ instructions: InstructionReturn[]; poolAuthority: PublicKey }>
  • Withdraw tokens from a flash loan pool. This will withdraw your previous deposits as well as any accumulated earned interest.


    • p: { amount: BN; connection: Connection; mint: PublicKey; poolShareTokenFrom: PublicKey; program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>; withdrawer: PublicKey }
      • amount: BN
      • connection: Connection
      • mint: PublicKey
      • poolShareTokenFrom: PublicKey
      • program: Program<FlashLoanMastery>
      • withdrawer: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<{ instructions: InstructionReturn[]; poolAuthority: PublicKey }>

Object literals

Const IDL

IDL: object


accounts: [{ docs: ["`PoolAuthority` account"]; name: "poolAuthority"; type: object }] = [{name: 'poolAuthority',docs: ['`PoolAuthority` account'],type: {kind: 'struct',fields: [{name: 'mint',docs: ['The token mint'],type: 'publicKey',},{name: 'poolShareMint',docs: ['The `pool_share_mint`'],type: 'publicKey',},{name: 'bump',docs: ['The PDA bump'],type: 'u8',},],},},]


errors: [{ code: 6000; msg: "Address Mismatch"; name: "AddressMismatch" }, { code: 6001; msg: "Owner Mismatch"; name: "OwnerMismatch" }, { code: 6002; msg: "Pool Mismatch"; name: "PoolMismatch" }, { code: 6003; msg: "Program Mismatch"; name: "ProgramMismatch" }, { code: 6004; msg: "Invalid Mint Supply"; name: "InvalidMintSupply" }, { code: 6005; msg: "Invalid Mint Decimals"; name: "InvalidMintDecimals" }, { code: 6006; msg: "Cannot Borrow Before Repay"; name: "CannotBorrowBeforeRepay" }, { code: 6007; msg: "There is no repayment instruction"; name: "NoRepaymentInstructionFound" }, { code: 6008; msg: "The repayment amount is incorrect"; name: "IncorrectRepaymentAmount" }] = [{code: 6000,name: 'AddressMismatch',msg: 'Address Mismatch',},{code: 6001,name: 'OwnerMismatch',msg: 'Owner Mismatch',},{code: 6002,name: 'PoolMismatch',msg: 'Pool Mismatch',},{code: 6003,name: 'ProgramMismatch',msg: 'Program Mismatch',},{code: 6004,name: 'InvalidMintSupply',msg: 'Invalid Mint Supply',},{code: 6005,name: 'InvalidMintDecimals',msg: 'Invalid Mint Decimals',},{code: 6006,name: 'CannotBorrowBeforeRepay',msg: 'Cannot Borrow Before Repay',},{code: 6007,name: 'NoRepaymentInstructionFound',msg: 'There is no repayment instruction',},{code: 6008,name: 'IncorrectRepaymentAmount',msg: 'The repayment amount is incorrect',},]


instructions: [{ accounts: [{ docs: ["The funder for the `pool_authority` account"]; isMut: true; isSigner: true; name: "funder" }, { docs: ["The mint representing the token that will be borrowed via flash loans"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "mint" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token that will represent shares in the new pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The current mint authority of `pool_share_mint`"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "poolShareMintAuthority" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }, { docs: ["The Solana System program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "systemProgram" }]; args: []; docs: ["Initialize a lending pool"]; name: "initPool" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity depositing funds into the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "depositor" }, { docs: ["The token to deposit into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens deposited into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The token account for receiving shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareTokenTo" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token representing shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Deposit funds into a lending pool"]; name: "deposit" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity withdrawing funds into the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "withdrawer" }, { docs: ["The token to withdraw from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens withdrawn from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The token account for redeeming shares of the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareTokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The mint of the token representing shares in the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "poolShareMint" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Withdraw funds from a lending pool"]; name: "withdraw" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity borrowing funds from the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "borrower" }, { docs: ["The token to borrow from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens borrowed from the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["Solana Instructions Sysvar"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "instructionsSysvar" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Borrow funds from a lending pool"]; name: "borrow" }, { accounts: [{ docs: ["The entity repaying funds from the pool"]; isMut: false; isSigner: true; name: "repayer" }, { docs: ["The token to repay back to the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenFrom" }, { docs: ["The token to receive tokens repaid into the pool"]; isMut: true; isSigner: false; name: "tokenTo" }, { docs: ["The pool authority"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "poolAuthority" }, { docs: ["Solana Instructions Sysvar"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "instructionsSysvar" }, { docs: ["The [Token] program"]; isMut: false; isSigner: false; name: "tokenProgram" }]; args: [{ name: "amount"; type: "u64" }]; docs: ["Repay funds to a lending pool"]; name: "repay" }] = [{name: 'initPool',docs: ['Initialize a lending pool'],accounts: [{name: 'funder',isMut: true,isSigner: true,docs: ['The funder for the `pool_authority` account'],},{name: 'mint',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The mint representing the token that will be borrowed via flash loans',],},{name: 'poolShareMint',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The mint of the token that will represent shares in the new pool',],},{name: 'poolShareMintAuthority',isMut: false,isSigner: true,docs: ['The current mint authority of `pool_share_mint`'],},{name: 'poolAuthority',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The pool authority'],},{name: 'tokenProgram',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The [Token] program'],},{name: 'systemProgram',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The Solana System program'],},],args: [],},{name: 'deposit',docs: ['Deposit funds into a lending pool'],accounts: [{name: 'depositor',isMut: false,isSigner: true,docs: ['The entity depositing funds into the pool'],},{name: 'tokenFrom',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to deposit into the pool'],},{name: 'tokenTo',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to receive tokens deposited into the pool'],},{name: 'poolShareTokenTo',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token account for receiving shares in the pool'],},{name: 'poolShareMint',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The mint of the token representing shares in the pool'],},{name: 'poolAuthority',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The pool authority'],},{name: 'tokenProgram',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The [Token] program'],},],args: [{name: 'amount',type: 'u64',},],},{name: 'withdraw',docs: ['Withdraw funds from a lending pool'],accounts: [{name: 'withdrawer',isMut: false,isSigner: true,docs: ['The entity withdrawing funds into the pool'],},{name: 'tokenFrom',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to withdraw from the pool'],},{name: 'tokenTo',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to receive tokens withdrawn from the pool'],},{name: 'poolShareTokenFrom',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token account for redeeming shares of the pool'],},{name: 'poolShareMint',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The mint of the token representing shares in the pool'],},{name: 'poolAuthority',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The pool authority'],},{name: 'tokenProgram',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The [Token] program'],},],args: [{name: 'amount',type: 'u64',},],},{name: 'borrow',docs: ['Borrow funds from a lending pool'],accounts: [{name: 'borrower',isMut: false,isSigner: true,docs: ['The entity borrowing funds from the pool'],},{name: 'tokenFrom',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to borrow from the pool'],},{name: 'tokenTo',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to receive tokens borrowed from the pool'],},{name: 'poolAuthority',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The pool authority'],},{name: 'instructionsSysvar',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['Solana Instructions Sysvar'],},{name: 'tokenProgram',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The [Token] program'],},],args: [{name: 'amount',type: 'u64',},],},{name: 'repay',docs: ['Repay funds to a lending pool'],accounts: [{name: 'repayer',isMut: false,isSigner: true,docs: ['The entity repaying funds from the pool'],},{name: 'tokenFrom',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to repay back to the pool'],},{name: 'tokenTo',isMut: true,isSigner: false,docs: ['The token to receive tokens repaid into the pool'],},{name: 'poolAuthority',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The pool authority'],},{name: 'instructionsSysvar',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['Solana Instructions Sysvar'],},{name: 'tokenProgram',isMut: false,isSigner: false,docs: ['The [Token] program'],},],args: [{name: 'amount',type: 'u64',},],},]


name: "flash_loan_mastery" = "flash_loan_mastery"


version: "0.1.0" = "0.1.0"

Generated using TypeDoc